I received my vaccine at IDCC Shah Alam on 30.06.2021. Fought my way to get myself registered on the day they opened the Astra Zeneca (AZ) vaccine to the public for the second time. Had to refresh the page many times and after many unsuccessful attempts, finally I managed to get through and registered for the AZ vaccine! Never been happier. It's one step closer to a herd immunity.
But wait, let's rewind. Jumped the gun too fast LOL. So, I went to IDCC and the whole process was smooth sailing. Everything was well organised. I got my vaccine within 40 minutes or so.
We were given forms to fill, they took my IC to verify then consulted with a doctor and then off to get vaccinated. I didn't even have to queue at the vaccine part. Straight after doctor's consultation, I went to the next station to get vaccinated.
Everyone there put me at ease. The first station to verify my IC, the lady first thing complimented that she liked my hair colour haha...then the doctor who vaccinated me asked me whether I had my breakfast? I said, yes salad. Then he said, 'Oh salad, sedap lah dengan dressing. Saya pun suka.'
This was my home made poke bowl salad by the way hahaha so yummy and wayy cheaper than outside poke bowls.
LOL, their art of distraction was working coz I was nervous. I hate needles and little did I know, the needle part was a breeze. Can't even feel a thing. It's the later part that made me K-O lol.
So once done, there's an observation place. If nothing happens, then you're good to go. Outside, there's a photo booth to take picture to post so that others will FOMO and get themselves vaccinated too hahaha
There were free goodies being given out as well for those who have been vaccinated.
Then I went home and went back to my normal daily activity. I thought I would be fine and I can just work like normal. I have prepared barley water with wintermelon and porridge also just in case.
But then, by evening, I started feeling feverish and tired. I started to have shivers as well.
That's when everything went downhill. I was hungry and then after eating, I was slightly energetic but that didn't last long. I was shivering again and had headache and mild fever. My vaccinated arm was super sore I couldn't sleep on one side. Before sleep, I popped one Panadol Actifast but that didn't do much. 4 hours later, popped another one. By next dawn, I was in so much pain, I increased the dosage to 2 Panadols and by next day I popped another 2 Panadols. This is by far the most Panadols I have taken in my life. Yes, coz I'm not one who likes to take medicine unless there's no choice like antibiotics but I never popped Panadols as much.
I couldn't describe the feeling when people asked me how am I. What I can say though is like something is eating me alive inside. Yes, it's that bad. Everything inside me was super sore, I was shivering plus I was nauseated. It's like I volunteered for virus to be injected inside me to suffer LMAO. At this rate, I was quite paranoid about what's happening to me because I'm not getting better.
The next day, I felt 80% better than the day before. However, I was still at 38 degrees Celsius and popped more Panadols. All I could do was distract myself with work.
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