January 12, 2014

The start of 2014

Hi guys!! How was your first two weeks of 2014?
Hope 2014 started off with a great start!

Been travelling quite a lot in the past few days due to work obligations and it has been TIRING!!! But soo much fun =) Learnt many new things and gained a lot of experiences.

Finally, a different view from the usual computer screen in office hehe

Travelling alone taught me about independence and it's great that I'm fulfilling one of my New Year's resolution, that is, to be more independent hehe

Besides that, it's not enough that I was quite tired from all the travelling, I pushed myself to hike Broga Hill in the weekend. I have always wanted to hike Broga Hill but time did not permit previously, so when one of my friends organised it, I was excited to join.

It's so rare for me to see nature these days.
But it was worth it.

Out of breath and legs feeling like 'tofu', I finally reached the second peak of Broga Hill.

Honestly, my stamina was BAADDD!! I have not been exercising and half way up I was so tired already. But I managed to gather up strength and courage to reach the second peak. So, if I, the one who never exercise, is able to hike up Broga Hill, I'm sure most of you are able to as well =) I wouldn't say it's easy, but not too difficult, though coming down can be quite slippery so be careful. 

Surprisingly, at 6.30am, there were already so many people at the foot of the hill ready to hike up. In fact, some people were already coming down the hill while we were hiking! Talk about fitness freak! But do try to hike up Broga Hill at least once in your life. It's quite fun to see the sunrise and the view was amazing!

It has been a great start to 2014! Here's to many more accomplishments ahead.

Have a great weekend readers!

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