August 19, 2010

The case of a vomitting child -.-

Okay so you get it that I work in a kindie...So you must also get it that by working in a kindie, it comes with these kinda 'perks' of getting vommitted at LOL

It was a rather funny situation I must say *laughs* This girl was drinking water from her HUGE water tumbler coz the teacher bribed the kids that if they finished their water, she'll give sticker and you know kids- at the mention of STICKER, they ran for their bottles and gulped down a huge amount of water- for that one miserable sticker LOL

This particular petite girl for whatever reason her parents gave her a HUGE bottle also jumped at the opportunity and drank as fast as she could to finish the water. Then I saw her standing there with a pale face. So I asked her, 'Girl, are you okay?' She told me, 'Teacher, I want to vomit' XD So I told her to quickly go to the bathroom and before you know it 'UWEKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

There came all the water she drank towards me. I screamed coz I was so surprised(forgive me for I have not been vomitted on before in my life XD) and ran away LOL Come on man, it's disgusting- you would have shouted too =p

The teachers there saw, were stunned(don't know by my screaming or of her vomitting on me) and then laughed at me....Alright, it was little funny but seriously! vomitting on me?? My biggest nightmare XD

So there i was looking at her- she was pale and I was shocked LOL I think I scared her a bit also hehe She would have probably went home and told her parents that I'm such a freak for screaming too loud and that I'm a weirdo =p

Anyways, I told her it's alright and the teacher changed her and moped the floor. Luckily, there was not much vomit on me coz I ran in time =p I washed up too and cannot wait to go home to get out of my clothings haha

There you have it, all in a day's job of becoming a teacher in a kindergarten =p

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