April 5, 2012


My love affair for macaroons started last year. It was literally love at first bite- no kidding!! Ever since then, if I come across macaroons, I would definitely buy them! =))

It's actually a French delight and started becoming popular here in Malaysia. The most famous place in France to get your hands on the best macaroons is 'Laduree' in Paris!

It just tastes so unique! It's not like cupcake or anything I've tried before. It's so soft that when you take a bite, it feels heavenly!!! LOL There are many different flavours of fillings and it's just sooo colourful and sooo pweetyy!!!

OMG! It's like macaroons heaven! I could die happy XD

Actually they were 8 when I bought, but I took this pic just in time before I gulp them all up! *laughs*

And recently, I found out Haagen Dazs just recently introduced their latest creation, 'High Tea Affair'!!

It's sooo beautiful! The middle tray is 'Macaroons Melange' 

It is macaroons with ice cream filling *dies* Also, this is limited edition and I think it's only until 31st May!!

I soooo need to try this at least for my 21st *laughs* I'm such a sucker for macaroons that it would totally make my day hehehe The High Tea Affair is To-Die-For!!!!!

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