April 6, 2012


As you can see this 'thing' below this post, you must be wondering what is this complicated box, no? Well, it's called a QR code.

I have seen it mostly in newspaper and I was wondering, what is it? Now, I know! Those phone users with Android or Apple can download this app called 'Qropit' where it will scan the code and immediately bring you to that site without needing to type out the entire website URL. How convenient, no?

My blog's code.

So, give it a try. Download 'Qropit' then scan the above code, and it will immediately go to this blog. Cool, right??

Go to http://qropit.com/ and you can create your own code as well!
Now, it's so easy. You can even create your own QR code for your name card then all the other person has to do is just scan the code and all your details are there!

Super convenient! The perks of technology nowadays!

My profile on Qropit!

So, hurry download the app now and start creating your own QR code =))

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