June 4, 2011

Obedient Wives Club??

If you have read the papers online or offline today, you would know about the obedient wives club- like seriously!!

Never in my wildest dreams would I ever thought such club will exist! Especially with the motto, 'My husband, my master'!! LOLZ

I am soooo against anything that's got to do with this club! Hello, are we still living in the stone age? This is the freaking 21st century! And NO, social ills and wives abuse are not caused by disobedient wives! They are caused by coward husbands! Don't make women an excuse!

Okay, I do believe wives must listen to their husbands and also the other way round and there must be compromise in a marriage. But this club is teaching people all the wrong things! So, if a husband continues hitting the wife, the wife should obey the husband more and accept the abuse? Bullshit!

Men and women are equal these days. No one should obey anyone one sided. It should always be about compromise and communication!

Don't be fooled by the message of the Obedient Wives Club!

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